Bad Writing

My college friend Jenners has a terrific blog called Life With a Little One and More.... Right now she has a contest going called Bad Writing. Even though I'm a librarian, I wasn't a bookwork or writer as a kid. I shied away from history and English classes and much preferred math and science. I wanted a right answer, not my interpretation of some major world historical event or storyline of a classic piece of literature. How could my thoughts be anywhere near correct or even interesting? I was 16 years old and most of my intelligent brain cells were occupied with weekend plans and getting concert tickets. One time my sister and I waited more than 24 hours (yes, we slept on the sidewalk) to buy Springsteen tickets and all we walked away with was a shoe. Who waits in line for concert tickets and then goes home wearing one shoe? To add insult to injury, it wasn't even our size. See, I just got totally off track. I rest my case.

For the contest you have to write a really bad opening sentence for a fake book. Bad Writing is write up my alley! ha ha! The novel can be any genre. Hmmm. Here goes:

  • I sat at my computer, willing my brain to come up with an awful sentence, yet nothing came. --From: How I Lost a Writing Contest, But Gained Some Free Time
  • I sat down to the dinner table, not really hungry, but there was food in front of me, so I ate anyway. --From: Food: Take It, Never Leave It.
  • There are days when I think to myself, "Is this really my life? How did I get to this exact spot? Where were the major turning points?", but this morning I thought, "Plain or peanut?" --From: Life Truly is a Box of Chocolates
  • She gazed at her daughter, an image of herself at a younger age, stroked her long, chestnut hair and asked, "When was the last time you took a shower?" --From: Unhidden Thoughts
  • An owl swooped through the dark night and delivered a letter to a boy that lived under the stairs, but this book isn't about that boy. --From: Cousin Dudley and the Kidney Stone
  • In the beginning there was Bob and Bob begat Michael and Michael begat Aidan. --From: Biblical Beginnings, My Short Family History
Hey! This was a fun activity! I think I'm darn good at bad writing. I better go check to see what the grand prize is. I'm soooo gonna land that prize.


Tiffany February 19, 2009 at 10:22 PM  

You are good at this. I like the little twist at the end of the daughter one - funny!

Jenners February 20, 2009 at 8:35 AM  

Boy you did get sidetracked in the beginning ... guess it is that Adult Onset ADHD kicking in! HAHA!

Col -- I hate to tell you but I think you are a great bad writer! The one about Cousin Dudley and the Kidney Stone was friggin hilarious!

And I don't get the food one. Isn't that just plain good advice ... seriously ... I would buy that book - it would support my bad eating habits.

And I'm working on the Bang thing still. I'll be sending you an e-mail soon about options. : )

You rock -- thanks for playing!

And I had totally forgotten about the whole emergency room / pizza delivery thing. Thanks for giving me a laugh with that one! Too classic!

CDB February 20, 2009 at 11:48 AM  

didn't want to lurk...just wanted to let you know I found you from Jenners, mostly b/c we share the same first name! Great "bad" writing! Can't wait for the books to come out.

C Woods February 27, 2009 at 9:09 AM  

I liked the Biblical beginnings entry.

My parents used to read a chapter of the Bible before dinner. We started at Genesis 1 and ended with Revelation ---but we skipped all the chapters with so-and-so begat so-and-so and he begat so-and-so. Made my eyes cross.

Anonymous March 3, 2009 at 6:02 PM  

Love all your extracts! Great fun!

Current Time in Saigon, Vietnam

About Me

My name is Colleen and I currently live in Saigon, Vietnam. (aka Ho Chi Minh City) I have a husband, Mike, and 2 children. Our son Aidan is 14 and our daughter Brenna is 11. I am the elementary librarian at Saigon South International School. I love to read, be outside, play any sport that's going on, hang out with friends, and laugh.

What I'm Reading Now:

  • Picture Perfect by Jodie Picoult
  • Buddhism for Beginners by Thubet Chodron