Technology Woes

We've been without wireless for almost 2 months. I've tried to fix it with 9 other routers. No joke, 9! In the beginning not having wifi really bugged me, but then I got used to it. Without the lure of the Internet, I have more free time. I barely got online during the Chinese New Year vacation, but I cooked with Brenna a lot. It was really nice to just enjoy time with my daughter and the rest of the family. On the other hand, I missed all the birthday wishes sent to my friend Paul on Facebook and then totally forgot to go to his birthday party. Not good. Of course, had I written the party on the calendar in my kitchen, I would have remembered. I shouldn't need wifi to ensure that I attend parties!

I even watched movies. I made it through about 4 movies, which is unprecedented for me. Some of them were even really bad movies, but I stayed awake and focused. Not having wifi seems to slow down my brain to a less frenetic pace. I could focus on a movie without having to multi-task. The "Internet Effect" seems to be reversible for me. I like that!

I still don't have wifi up and running and I kind of know how to solve the problem. Shhh. Don't tell my family! I'm dragging my feet because I enjoy not having the computer compete for my time and attention. But maybe now that I've seen how else I can spend my time, I'll resist the computer. We'll see.


Current Time in Saigon, Vietnam

About Me

My name is Colleen and I currently live in Saigon, Vietnam. (aka Ho Chi Minh City) I have a husband, Mike, and 2 children. Our son Aidan is 14 and our daughter Brenna is 11. I am the elementary librarian at Saigon South International School. I love to read, be outside, play any sport that's going on, hang out with friends, and laugh.

What I'm Reading Now:

  • Picture Perfect by Jodie Picoult
  • Buddhism for Beginners by Thubet Chodron