This week was Week Without Walls for SSIS High School. Mike is in Bali and Aidan is in Thailand. Both are traveling home today. Brenna and I are excited to see the boys again, but we've had a very fun week together. Here's what we did while the alpha males were away:
- Went out for dessert - one of those chocolate cake type things where chocolate oozes out! (Like the Chocolate Nemesis at Berry in Shanghai - YUM!)
- Watched My Sister's Keeper on a SCHOOL night! Pass the tissues. Why did they change the ending from the book?
- Ate salmon and greek salad on our terrace. We usually have Terrace Tuesday and order pizza, but we made it more civilized.
- Played countless games of Slap Jack. I won most, or maybe even ALL of them.
- I taught Bren how to play Gin Rummy. (No gin or rum was used.)
- We went to see Whip It at the theater on a SCHOOL night. After it ended we snuck in to watch the end of This Is It. That Michael sure can move.
- After the movie we stopped at the arcade, aka The LOUDEST Place on the Planet, and watched some Vietnamese teenage boys dance on one of those dance pad games - they were amazing! Then we played several games of basketball shoot-out.
Ya. We had a good time. I LOVE the salmon and mashed potatoe! Ya I wonder why they changed the ending in My Sisters Keeper. I wish we had another week together although I'm excited to see the boys at least I guess.
If you won ANY games, it's because you cheated or I let you win. Bring on the rematch! I am so gonna school you on Slap Jack, girl. I'm totally gonna slap your jack!
Glad you girls had so much fun! I am with you on My Sister's Keeper. The book version already had the Hollywood drama, so why change?! Miss you all in Shanghai.
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