A Week Without Testosterone!

This week was Week Without Walls for SSIS High School. Mike is in Bali and Aidan is in Thailand. Both are traveling home today. Brenna and I are excited to see the boys again, but we've had a very fun week together. Here's what we did while the alpha males were away:

  • Went out for dessert - one of those chocolate cake type things where chocolate oozes out! (Like the Chocolate Nemesis at Berry in Shanghai - YUM!)
  • Watched My Sister's Keeper on a SCHOOL night! Pass the tissues. Why did they change the ending from the book?
  • Ate salmon and greek salad on our terrace. We usually have Terrace Tuesday and order pizza, but we made it more civilized.
  • Played countless games of Slap Jack. I won most, or maybe even ALL of them. 
  • I taught Bren how to play Gin Rummy. (No gin or rum was used.)
  • We went to see Whip It at the theater on a SCHOOL night. After it ended we snuck in to watch the end of This Is It. That Michael sure can move.
  • After the movie we stopped at the arcade, aka The LOUDEST Place on the Planet, and watched some Vietnamese teenage boys dance on one of those dance pad games - they were amazing! Then we played several games of basketball shoot-out.  
I'm anxious to see Mike and Aidan this evening, but I'll be sad to say goodbye to Girl's Week. This was the first time Bren and I have ever spent this much time alone. I hope it's not the last.


Anonymous November 20, 2009 at 10:19 AM  

Ya. We had a good time. I LOVE the salmon and mashed potatoe! Ya I wonder why they changed the ending in My Sisters Keeper. I wish we had another week together although I'm excited to see the boys at least I guess.

Colleen November 20, 2009 at 11:54 AM  

If you won ANY games, it's because you cheated or I let you win. Bring on the rematch! I am so gonna school you on Slap Jack, girl. I'm totally gonna slap your jack!

Shannon November 20, 2009 at 10:17 PM  

Glad you girls had so much fun! I am with you on My Sister's Keeper. The book version already had the Hollywood drama, so why change?! Miss you all in Shanghai.

Current Time in Saigon, Vietnam

About Me

My name is Colleen and I currently live in Saigon, Vietnam. (aka Ho Chi Minh City) I have a husband, Mike, and 2 children. Our son Aidan is 14 and our daughter Brenna is 11. I am the elementary librarian at Saigon South International School. I love to read, be outside, play any sport that's going on, hang out with friends, and laugh.

What I'm Reading Now:

  • Picture Perfect by Jodie Picoult
  • Buddhism for Beginners by Thubet Chodron