I just finished Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. Wow. Truly wow. I haven't read such an orignal, interesting, intriguing, thought-provoking book in a very, very long time. It's not the type of book that flows easily, in fact at times during shot-gun dialogue where the main character was translating between English and Ukrainian, I was confused as to whom was actually speaking. The time period also changes causing me to make a mental shift. However, it's one of the few books that I will eventually read for a second time. This is the type of writing that will make other books seem ordinary and droll.
Everything is Illuminated
Labels: books
Korean Pride!
Today was UN day at school. My 10 year old daughter Brenna was really excited about dressing up in her American garb. She also wanted to wear something Korean, but we didn't have much - a We Are Reds bandana was about it. On Wednesday a Korean mom and friend, In Young, came into the library. I asked if she had anything Korean that Brenna could borrow for UN Day. I was thinking maybe a T-shirt or Korean flag earrings or something.
Facebook Spreads Like Fire
Labels: connections , Facebook , networking
Tweet me!
Labels: networking , technology , twitter
Single Mom and Cell Phones
Well, Mike went to Chengdu on a school "China Alive" trip. He'll be home on Friday evening. So I'm a single mom for the week. Not as fun as it sounds! The morning dance of getting everyone ready for school is different without a dance partner. But modern technology keeps everyone in touch. I texted him this morning to grumble when the school bus didn't show up and he texted me before he went for a spicy dinner. I'm sure he'll text "good nights" and "I love you's" to me and the kids before the day is done. How nice to be able to stay connected so quickly and easily while we're far apart. :o)
Labels: family , technology
Library Thing!
I was reading TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom where I learned about Library Thing. What a cool sight! You can add books you're reading and have already read and they show up with the cover of the book. You can get recommendations and reviews for similar books or connect with other readers with similar taste. I'm obsessed with adding every book I've ever read! My library continues to grow and grow. I'm not sure I'll use the chat feature, but I'm already reading reviews and recommendations for book that I want to read. Great site! Thanks, Tara!
Labels: books , cool websites , library , reading
How Life Can Turn Upside Down in No Time At All
Blog Dilemma
I can't figure out if I should be creating a personal blog - talking about my life, my family, what's important to me - or should I stick with professional topics and talk about books and technology. Who's really going to read this? Will I have an "audience" that anxiously waits for my every post? Probably not. I should assume I'm writing for myself, as a form of express and cheap therapy!